Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Slideshows are finally uploaded for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!

The links are as follows:

Wishing you all a wonderful summer!

Friday, June 1, 2012


MWF - Wednesday, June 6th 10:00
TWTH- Thursday, June 7th 1:30
TTH- Thursday, June 7th 10:00 

Friday, May 11, 2012

To all of our preschool Moms, we would like to wish you a Happy Mother's Day ! Our students worked so hard all week long to prepare your surprises.  We hope you enjoy your day!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Have a Great Vacation!

 It's vacation time again. This year is flying by! Soon some of our students will be preparing for kindergarten! We have had so much fun this year learning and creating memories.
When we return from vacation we will have just over a month of school left. M,W,F am classes end on June 8th and T,W,TH end June 7th.

Over vacation keep practicing:
 -letter identification and letter sounds
 -writing names
-And as, read, read!  Reading with your child helps to make them better future readers.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

An Important Reminder

 All parents dropping off for the morning preschool program please stay in your cars in the parking lot until the morning commuter drop off is finished at 9:00.  It is not safe for students and parents to be walking any earlier than that time due to passing cars.

Thank you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

We have been busy, busy getting ready for our annual art show.  Our students are becoming familiar with the works of Eric Carle.  Ask your child what an author is and what an illustrator does.... they are so smart!

This week we are reading A House for Hermit Crab, Mister Seahorse, and 10 Rubber Ducks.

 We have also been talking about time, the months of the year, and first, next, and last.  The kids are so excited to learn these new concepts.

I'll be posting pictures later this week. Talk to you soon!

Art Show 4/5/12 5:00pm Underhill Preschool Room

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Look At Our Week!

This week the students read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Grouchy Ladybug, and The lonely Firefly. During our center time your child worked on their pieces for their art show/ expo night.  We had a ball getting messy and doing new kinds of art projects.  We can't wait till April 5th to show off all of our talented young artists.

We also wanted to mention a note of thanks to the parents who donated the canning jars for our projects.  It is so great to have such wonderful parents!  We are so appreciative of all supplies given to our preschool.  

Keep working at home with letter recognition, number recognition, and for our early readers, keep practicing. Our rhyming skills are fantastic! We are so proud of our preschoolers.  Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Art Show Projects Have Begun!!

Over the next couple of weeks your child will be heavily involved in the creative process. Be sure to dress them appropriately in clothes that can withstand glue, paint, and markers.

Thanks for your help!

PS.  If anyone has access to any canning jars we still need about 20. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Welcome Back!

We hope you had a great vacation. It was certainly nice to finally get some snow! Many friends have been eager to tell us all about their exciting vacations and excursions.  

Now that we're back we have been looking at the works of Dr. Seuss.  We love to rhyme!  Keep up the practice at home.  You can rhyme...anytime!

Starting next week, we will begin to explore the wonderful world of Eric Carle. In addition to his stories, we will be replicating many of his most famous pieces of art. We will save these works at school to be used for display in our annual art show to be held on April 5th here at the Underhill Preschool. Mark your calendars. Details will come home soon.

Also, just a reminder to check your child's folder for papers on a daily basis.  We will be sending home information on upcoming events as well as some "homework help" to assist you in helping your child learn how to write numbers.

Thanks for all you do!
Ms. Anya, Ms. Sue, & Ms. Amanda

Friday, February 24, 2012

Have a Great Vacation!

We had a lot fun this week learning about oral health. Thank you to Amazing Smiles Dentistry for visiting our class. We learned all about flossing and how we should brush at least two times a day.
When we get back to school we will focus on the works of Dr. Seuss and Eric Carle. We will also be preparing for our annual art show/exhibition night. This year it will be held on April 5th. More information will be coming soon!

In preparation for our art show we will be using various colored tissue paper and canning jars. If anyone has access to either of these items and would like to donate, please let Ms. Amanda know.

We hope you all have a fantastic vacation! See you in March.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wash Those Germs Away!

This week we learned all about the importance of hand washing in our classroom.  All of our activities reinforced the importance of staying healthy at home and at school.

Nurse Libby came in to our classroom and shared some valuable information with us and showed us how a sneeze can spread everywhere if not properly covered.  Thank you Nurse Libby!

We also celebrated Valentine's Day by doing "friendship" activities. We had so much fun at our friendship party. Thank you parents for sending in the treats and valentines for the class. Here are some pics:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

We Are Being Great Friends!!!

Our class is doing a fabulous job learning all about friendship!!! We have even started a friendship wall in our classroom where students names are placed when they show acts of kindness to others. 

We have been busy learning about sequencing as well. The kids are learning about first, next & last. This can be a tricky concept for some. Keep reinforcing at home.

Your child has also been working on the following:
                         *writing names
                         *name recognition
                         *counting to 10
                         *writing letters and numbers
                         *identifying shapes / drawing shapes
                         *one to one correspondence

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Week

This week we learned all about Groundhog Day.  We had a lot of fun learning about shadows and light. We also worked on patterns and shapes.  Keep up the good work kids!

Next week we will talk about friendship and what it means to be a good friend to one another.  We will continue to work on shapes, colors, letters & numbers.  Also, we will keep practicing rhyming! It is fun to make rhymes.  Try it at home!

* If you haven't sent in your shoe box yet..don't forget.  We will start decorating them next week in preparation for our Valentine's/ friendship party.

We had so much fun tracing each other!

Playing games at center time

Dress up is so much fun!

"I'm learning how to read!!!!"

Look at our beautiful silhouettes!