Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Just a Reminder...

Don't forget to send in a shoebox with your child to decorate for our friendship day celebration.  If you have any extra at home that you could share that would be so helpful.  
Thank you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lending Library

We have opened our "lending library!" When your child is picked to be star of the day they will also be given a bag with a book and an assignment to take home.  Be sure to check backpacks on a daily basis. Your child may be picked next!

Parents are to read the book as a family and help your child complete the given assignment. This is meant to be a fun activity to help develop emerging literacy skills.

It's Penguin Week!

 This week we are learning all about Penguins! How to walk like penguins, what they eat and how they take care of their young.

Here are some pics:

What Do Snowmen Do at Night....?

Here Are Some Fun Pics!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Something New!

We've added a few links on the left hand side of our site. Check it out.  Apps for IPads will follow shortly.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Things to Practice at Home

Keep practicing those shapes!
     Students are working on identifying shapes. Your child has their own incentive sticker chart in our classroom. Students are asked to identify: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, star, heart & oval.

Colors, Colors, Colors!!!!!
   Colors are everywhere. Ask your child in the car, at the playground, or while playing a game what colors they see.

   Students are working on identifying their name in print as well as writing their names.  Keep practicing at home.  This can be an exciting accomplishment for your child!

Winter Clothes-
  Keep practicing putting on your snow gear.  It's coming soon.... (we hope!)