Friday, April 20, 2012

Have a Great Vacation!

 It's vacation time again. This year is flying by! Soon some of our students will be preparing for kindergarten! We have had so much fun this year learning and creating memories.
When we return from vacation we will have just over a month of school left. M,W,F am classes end on June 8th and T,W,TH end June 7th.

Over vacation keep practicing:
 -letter identification and letter sounds
 -writing names
-And as, read, read!  Reading with your child helps to make them better future readers.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

An Important Reminder

 All parents dropping off for the morning preschool program please stay in your cars in the parking lot until the morning commuter drop off is finished at 9:00.  It is not safe for students and parents to be walking any earlier than that time due to passing cars.

Thank you.